Teen Jobs Success! (14+)
Registered Charity #86117 9083 RR0001
“Start early to explore potential employment and workplace expectations.” This strategy is even more essential with teens on the autism spectrum. Visual demonstrations, direct instruction and feedback are important elements that can allow teens with autism to move forward in the workplace with confidence, a willingness to ask questions and to offer ideas. Volunteer work and work experience are important and valuable, but there is just something really motivational about being paid for your hard work. Being paid allows for a meaningful discussion about the phrase ‘time is money’ and the expectations of ‘the boss’.
With support from Autism Speaks Canada, OHEYS offers a “Teen Jobs Success!” Program during the school year. The 6-week program includes a total of 13 hrs: 9 hrs (6 weekly sessions x 1½ hours) of video modelling and group discussion, combined with 4-hrs real-world paid service work experience (2 x 2 hour work sessions paid at minimum wage $). This is a perfect combination to start the jobs ball rolling, with pre-employment/employment skill building.
The video component is based on selected units from James Stanfield videos: FIRST IMPRESSIONS (Dress/Attitude) and FIRST JOB SURVIVAL SKILLS. Our worksite location is the Dakota Community Centre Canteen, where work skills include: cash/money management, customer service/communication, time management, product organization/display, work efficiency, and cooperation with coworkers.
This program requires 6 participants (age 14-21), who are willing and able to engage in discussions with peers in a group, and to critically view video material for discussion in the group. With general support, participants can work with a partner and 1 adult supervisor in a public setting. Program fees are $260 (includes four hours paid work to the participant).
Participants are responsible for transportation to and from the worksite (on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday).
Note: The program runs during the school year only.
This program is scheduled according to interest. Please contact OHEYS if you are interested in exploring this program in future.